Learn more about UCLA's fraternity and sorority community
Learn more about UCLA's Greek Councils

The Asian Greek Council governs 4 Asian-Interest chapters.
Instagram: @BruinAGC
Website: www.agcbruins.com
Email: bruinagc@gmail.com

The Interfraternity Council governs 17 general interest fraternities including three religiously based chapters.
Instagram: @IFCUCLA
Website: www.ifcucla.com
Email: ifcucla@gmail.com

The Latinx Greek Council governs 8 Latinx interest chapters.
Instagram: @UCLA_LGC
Website: www.lgc-ucla.weebly.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BruinLGC

The Multi-Interest Greek Council governs 12 culturally or identity-based chapters.
Instagram: @migcucla

The National Pan-Hellenic Council governs 7 of the 9 historically Black chapters of the Divine 9 Organization.
Instagram: @NPHCofUCLA

The Panhellenic Council governs 11 general-interest sororities including a STEM chapter.
Instagram: @UCLAPanhellenic
Website: www.uclapanhellenic.com
Council Presidents
In order to be a fully recognized and active chapter at UCLA, each individual chapter must be recognized under one of six governing councils. Lead by executive boards consisting of chapter leaders within their respective councils, each council serves as an umbrella organization assisting and supporting their member chapters.
At UCLA, we have 6 councils that represent an extremely diverse and wide-ranging areas of identity including cultural, religious and academic affiliations. You can find more information by contacting each Council President.
Kristen Carpio and Megan Law
Asian Greek Council Co-Presidents
Nick Pwee
Interfraternity Council President
Nancy Esmeralda Polanco
Latinx Greek Council President
Mana Hariri
Multi-Interest Greek Council
Christian Harris
National Pan-Hellenic Council President
Kelsie Hull
Panhellenic President
Where can I gather more information?
Review fast facts about the community, chapter nicknames, and more.
Learn more about our Portfolio Model advising structureThe Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life advises within a Portfolio Model approach. Each staff member directly supports each one of the councils while advising chapters across the six different councils. You can find each chapter's staff advisor listed under resources of chapter officers.
Where can I find chapter contact information?You can find each chapter's president's contact information by visiting our Community Directory.
Interested in Joining?Click here to find out more about joining a recognized chapter through their recruitment or intake processes.
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